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Emissary is a network of over 7,000 senior executives offering their insights to growing enterprise teams.

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Messaging and Approach
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Organization and Culture
Product Fit
Buying Process
Power Structures

Emissary Advisor FAQ

A Community of Doers and Givers

Emissary Advisors possess transformative insights that create immeasurable value for our clients. We take care of the details so that our Advisors can get straight to the fun part — forming new relationships and doing truly meaningful work.

What is expected of me as an emissary?

Our Emissary Advisors are guides for technology companies who are seeking to deepen their presence in the marketplace. Often, our clients are hoping to gain insight into a specific opportunity that our Emissary Advisors are uniquely positioned to elucidate. Emissary Advisors become more than a consultant in an Emissary engagement; they are more of a mentor, guiding the clients they are working with toward success.

What about confidential or proprietary information?

We set expectations with both our clients and Emissary Advisors that confidential or proprietary information is not to be shared or requested during an engagement. In the unlikely event that you are asked something that you do not wish to respond to, simply make that clear. If we can offer and guidance or support, always feel free to reach out to

Can I work with emissary while holding a full-time position?

Absolutely! Your time commitment as an Emissary is designed to be easily managed alongside other demanding work. There is always flexibility around scheduling for any phone conversations, and email exchanges tend to be concise and sparse. Most of our Emissary Advisors have held, or currently hold, global director to C-level positions, and we are very mindful of the value of their time.

I can’t consult within my current industry. I see it as a conflict.

Most of Emissary’s clients are vendors looking to understand how best to do business in a given industry or with a given potential account. Almost without exception, you’ll be assisting a company outside of your industry that is seeking to better understand your area of expertise. If you do perceive a conflict, you always have the option to decline an engagement offered to you.

How am I paid?

We offer compensation at competitive rates based on the format and duration of our engagements.

Am I expected to make introductions?

Introductions are not expected, and are not required. Some Emissary Advisors see great value for their former employer, or for others in their network, and they will connect the client team they are working with to one of their contacts. Other Emissary Advisors prefer to only provide guidance on who to contact, but do not feel comfortable introducing the clients to anyone in their network. The Emissary’s discretion is always paramount.

Additionally, for a sales team, knowledge about their buyers is incredibly valuable, with or without an introduction. By understanding more about their potential buyers, the account executive can tailor their pitch to be maximally effective, creating a smart potential partner instead of an uninformed salesperson. Our bedrock expectation for Emissary Advisors is to act as coaches, helping our clients to better understand a given company, or a given industry.

What types of B2B clients do you work with?

Our B2B clients are primarily technology vendors which vary in size from smaller, well-funded startups to companies in the Fortune 500. We also work with clients focused on marketing technology, traditional marketing, and advertising.

Does the client see my profile?

The client sees an anonymized profile based on the information you shared during the advisor onboarding process. All of our clients are bound by the confidentiality agreements in our operating terms.

You’re able to edit your profile at any time, and can see exactly what clients see by logging into Emissary > Account > Profile > Scroll down and click “Preview What Clients See.”

Can clients use my name?

No, clients are not permitted to use your name without your permission in any context outside of an engagement. They have also agreed not to disclose that they have engaged with you.

I’m currently employed, and would like to check with my legal department.

This is common for Emissary Advisors in traditionally sensitive industries like finance, government, etc. When approaching your legal department, remember that you will never be providing information about your current company and never any confidential or proprietary information from any piece of your background. You’ll only be asked to share guidance based on your past experiences.

It is always our goal to offer clarity to our Emissary Advisors, and to those who are considering joining our Emissary community. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Emissary Relations team.

Let Your Knowledge Work For You As An Emissary Advisor

Hear From Some Of Our Emissary Advisors

Jodi Watson

“My biggest motivation for working with Emissary is to help people. I love talking to different clients and hearing about their challenges and offerings. I have so much to offer, and I want to help them improve.”

Jodi Watson
Former SVP/CMO of Petco

“I get exposure to organizations that are on the frontlines. These companies using Emissary will make much better decisions based on insight. Knowing that I’ve added value to these vendors leads me to believe that I have empowered them to be and do better.”

Eric Toda
Former Global Head of Social Marketing and Editorial Content at Airbnb

“I really like helping companies and teams win. It’s been fun. Helping software companies, helping system integrators – you get to come in and out of different business situations and provide coaching based on your point of view.”

Jim Fortner
Former CTO/CIO at Procter & Gamble

More Emissary Advisor FAQ Resources

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6 Missteps in Security Sales: and What CISOs Want You To Do Instead

The security space is booming: security spend is growing at over 13 percent, with a projected spend of over $150B.  Yet, despite such broad demand, closing security sales remains challenging . In a recent survey, only 31% of CISO’s are finding …

Survey Report: The CISO Role in Tech Purchasing Decisions

The CISO role in buying decisions is increasingly broad. CISO’s are undoubtedly growing in number, budget and influence. To help sellers better understand this persona and how to best sell to it, we went directly to the source – 150+ …

Business Services & Transportation Industry Trends: How to Close the Deal

When you absolutely, positively have to close the deal — business services sector and transportation industry trends. Featuring Seleste Lunsford, Chief Research & Strategy Officer at Emissary and Emissary Advisor David Gagnon, Former Managing Director-Global Engineering, Customer Solutions & Implementation …

The Complete Enterprise Tech Sales Account Planning Guide

Sales account planning has been in practice for 30+ years. So most technology organizations have an account planner floating around somewhere. But whether these plans yield results varies broadly. Today, there is renewed interest in account planning in the more …

Technology in the Insurance Industry: How and What They Buy in a Downturn

How does purchasing technology in the insurance industry change in a downturn? What are buyers looking for? Featuring Seleste Lunsford, Chief Research & Strategy Officer at Emissary and Emissary Advisor Krupal Swami, former Technology Director and Architecture Director, State Farm. …

Selling Banking Technology Solutions

Why does it take banks so long to make purchases? How does the banking technology solutions purchasing process work?  Featuring Seleste Lunsford, Chief Research & Strategy Officer at Emissary and Emissary Advisor Voislav Sauca, former CISO, Santander. In today’s Buyer’s …

How Execs Buy: The Enterprise Software Buying Process

How has the enterprise software buying process transformed as organizations fully exit pandemic-era approaches and prepare for potential economic challenges in 2023? Emissary surveyed over 1,000 executive-level buyers within our human intelligence network, narrowing down data to those (673) who …

Account Plan Alarm Bells: 9 Signs of Pending Trouble

“Red sky at morning; sailors take warning!” Seafarers have long noticed that red skies at sunrise are often followed by dangerous weather. Ultimately, this was determined to be linked to the moisture-laden atmosphere as a low-pressure system moves in behind …

Selling Through a Slowdown: How to Sell Technology Solutions in 2023

Economists are divided. There are signs of looming recession: consecutive quarters of shrinking US GDP, high inflation, and low consumer confidence. Yet, the job market remains strong. Corporations are profitable and cash positive. And Forrester predicts that technology spend will …

The Future of Retail Technology: From Omni-Channel to Sustainability

Will retail technology trends be short-term or drive permanent changes to the retail technology landscape? Featuring Seleste Lunsford, Chief Research & Strategy Officer at Emissary and Emissary Advisor Mike Robinson. In today’s Buyer’s Seat we are going to take a …

Guide to Account Based Marketing for Enterprise Tech Marketers

Tech marketers were some of the very first to adopt ABM as a strategy distinct from inbound and traditional lead generation. In the beginning, account-based marketing for enterprise tech marketers was simply an account list and a high-value direct mail campaign. …