Sales Leaders

Equip Sales Reps With the Information They Need to Close Deals

Enterprise customers are responsible for the lion’s share of your company’s revenues and profits. And with prospective buyers’ expectations perpetually rising, deal cycles lengthening and the number of audiences increasing, the world of B2B selling is increasingly unpredictable. If your sales reps don’t know:

  • What’s the pain we’re addressing?
  • Is there an existing solution in place? How is it perceived?
  • Are there any potential blockers to a deal getting done?
  • What’s the annual budgeting process?
  • What stakeholders are involved in deals over a certain dollar amount?
  • When does procurement get involved?

You’re leaving that revenue at risk.

Remove the guesswork and access power faster with Emissary. Leverage our platform-based insights and 1:1 deal coaching specifically tailored to help sales teams navigate complex deals more effectively across the world’s largest organizations.

How Emissary Helps Enterprise Sales Reps

“Emissary validated my understanding of the account and helped me get behind the scenes questions answered and intel that’s difficult to gather from a real prospect.”

Sr Enterprise Account Executive
at open source software company

“My advisor provided excellent insights into how best to engage with IT, who influences CIO ultimate decision maker and dynamics/political structure and what each of their interests are as it relates to making decisions.”

Sales Account Executive
at content management company

“My advisor helped break down the internal business groups, their responsibilities and contacts to reach out to. He was very helpful by providing information that I had no idea about.”

Enterprise Account Executive
at data storage company

“My advisor’s experience in business operations and security were very helpful and educated me on how to position network solutions. At the same time, the information he shared on financial risk considerations will help me prioritize discussion points.”

Regional Sales Manager
at cloud security company

“It was so helpful to be able to ask direct questions on how to navigate the organization and get the historical context of the account. My advisor was tremendously helpful in helping me identify the areas that I need to focus on.”

Account Executive
at CRM platform company

“My advisor was open to helping, was able to give current information as to how the organization operates, who I could reach out to, and how to most effectively approach the account. He was very helpful and I hope to have other experiences with Emissary that are this positive.”

Account Executive
at cloud-based platform company